Romanian Poetry

no longer literature. the generation of 2000

republica poetica constitution (in progress)

We, the people of poetry, to assert sincere confidence, the expression of calm fascination, the clear joy, the burst of limpid passion, the organization of diurnal intensity of approach, the ussage of quiet rustling-touch, and full breath, decide and define this

Constitution of Republica Poetica

1. Poetic status

a)      The poet is the state of trans-sovereign state, independent unitary and indivisible

b)      Form of government-state status is poetic republic.

c)       The poetica is an aesthetic, social and democratic state where human dignity, rights and freedoms of citizens, the free development of personality, justice and poetic pluralism is supreme and guaranteed values.

2. Sovereignty

a) Trans-national sovereignty belongs to the poetic state that exercise it through formulation and delimitation carried by explicit language.

b) No group or person may exercise sovereignty on their own.

3. Territory

a) The Poetic territory is primarily an inner territory.

b) State borders are established by textual definition, respecting the principles and generally accepted rules of untextual poetics.

c) The territory is organized administratively in poems, poets and poetry. Some poets are declared laureate.

d) Throughout poetic territory don t live persons but their states.
4. Unity and equality

a)      The state foundation is poetic unity of states.

b)      The poetic is the common and indivisible state of all attitudes irrespective of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political adherence, property or social origin.

5. Citizenship

a) Poetic citizenship is acquired, retained or lost in conditions of dynamic poetry.

b) Citizenship may not be withdrawn to anyone and is assumed by own responsibility. Poetics citizens are resposable towards themselves and can be made liable only for the acts of those around them.

6. Right to identity

a) Republica Poetica recognizes and guarantees the right to preserve and develop emotional and expression of their cultural, linguistic and religious to persons belonging poetic minorities.

b) The protection measures taken to preserve the republic and emotional expression of minorities’ must comply with the principles of equality and discrimination in relation to other citizens poetry.

7. Poetics abroad

a) The Republic supports the strengthening of links with poetics outside the borders of the country and working to preserve, develop and express their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity in compliance with the laws of the State whose citizens they are.

8. Pluralism in poetic society
a) Pluralism in society is a poetic condition and safeguard Constitutional democracy.

c)      Poetics are constituted and operate in conditions of absolute freedom. They help defining and expressing the will of citizens, respecting national sovereignty, territorial integrity and the principles of poetic democracy poetic.

9. Transnational Relations

a) Poetics maintain and develop peaceful relations with all countries and, in this context, relations of good aesthetical neighborhood, based on poetry and the other principles generally accepted in contemporary society.
11. Contemporary society

a)      The Poetic State undertakes to fulfill in good faith its obligations in poetic and aesthetic treaties to which it is a part.

b)      Treaties ratified by the inner court are part of private poetic.

12. Poetic Symbols

a) The poetic flag is a language flag. Its distinctive signs mean assuming responsibility of poetic discourse.

b) Transnational day of poetry is / can be any day.

c) Transnational anthem of poetry is the poem.

d) The coat of arms of the country and seal are established by poetic forms.

13. Official language
Any language used in communication between people and even the natural or invented languages are official languages in the Republic of poetics.

14. Capital

Poetics Capital is internal, personal and multiple external manifestations.


Embassy of poetry in France is at the Romanian Cultural Institute in Paris.

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